By Kanani Cortez
Participating in this program has been invaluable for me.
I was pleased to be able to get out of my comfort zone and explore new skills I want to develop. Prior to this week I was focused primarily on print journalism, but with guidance from Jane, Patrice, and Erica I was able to dive into using new tools and technology. They helped show me how powerful audio stories can be.
This week has reminded me to have faith in the future of the journalism industry. As a first-generation college student and as a student at a community college I’ve often been intimidated by the elitism that exists in the journalism industry and in higher education. This week introduced me to a group of people who are dedicated to shifting the narrative of who belongs in the journalism industry. As many newsrooms across the country are having conversations about what real equity looks like, this program has given me confidence in what is to come.
I am grateful for the ability to participate in this program and I am pleased we were able to make it work remotely.